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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Sign Language

This is a tag I have wanted to make for a long time. my mother in law was deaf and it never ceased to amaze me how her hands could fly while signing

As a member of Rantin Ravens site, someone asked raven how to make the signs work as a tut, so I took her instructions and set them into a tut

Thanks Raven for your help

Written byİDorothy, May/2006


Men's signing

Here are your templates

Open your template in PSP...shift D to duplicate and turn off the original


you will find all of your alphabet,just right click on your text letters and save each letter of your text in animation shop and export them to PSP...shift D to duplicate and close off the the open hand in PSP...shift D to duplicate and turn off the original... use the magic wand to delete the black background on your text letters..., we are going to use black but we need the hands on transparent background

Open the template in PSP, either the men's template or the women's template, whichever you want to use... click on each letter of your text one at a time and on your template and paste as new layer..when you have all your letters in the template re name them on your layer palette...hand first, then first lette,second lett and so on...your layer palette should look like this

...move them all to the bottom so the arm is resting on the bottom of the so

make sure they are all lined up to gether so there will be no jump

Close off all layers except the bottom layer...add a new layer and click on your preset tool...elipse with create as vector checked...draw a circle on your on the text tool .. I used Arial size 28...colour of your choice...stroke set at null..create as vector and antalias checked.. place your cursor on the circle until a small 1/2 cirle appears...left click and type your using the middle node...turn your text until it sits in the middle... in the layer on the + sign and then click on the elipse layer and close it off...go to layers> convert to raster name this layer text... add an inner bevel with these settings or choose your own settings

The rest is a cake to speak

Close off all layers

1)Open background hand layer...edit... copy> animation shop...right click and paste as new animation... go back to psp...

2)Close hand first hand letter...edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

3)Close off first hand hand layer...duplicate text... close off original...with your lasso tool...lasso all but the first letter of your name... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

4)Close hand second hand letter of your name... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

5)Delete copy of text...Close off second hand letter... open hand layer..duplicate text... close off original...with your lasso tool..lasso all but the first 2 letters of your name..hit delete.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

6)Close hand third hand letter of your name.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

7)Delete copy of text...Close off third hand hand layer...duplicate text... close off original.. with your lasoo tool...lasso all but the first 3 letters of your name...hit delete... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

8)Close hand fourth hand letter of your name... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

9)Delete copy of text...Close off fourth hand hand layer.. duplicate text.....with the lasso tool ...lasso all but the first 4 letters of your text...hit delete.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

10)Close hand fifth hand letter of your name... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

11)Delete copy of text..Close off fifth hand hand layer...duplicate text... close off original.. with your lasoo tool...lasso all but the first 5 letters of your name...hit delete... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

12)Close hand sixth hand letter of your name... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

13)Delete copy of text...Close off sixth hand letter.... open hand layer...duplicate text... close off original.. with your lasoo tool...lasso all but the first 6 letters of your name...hit delete.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

14)Close hand seventh hand letter of your name.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

15)Delete copy of text....Close off seventh hand letter.. hand text... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

16)Close off hand text layer..

edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

17)Close off C2... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

18)Close off C3... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

19)Close off C4... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

21)Close off C5... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

22)Close off C6... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

23)Close off C7... edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame....go back to psp

For the men's template only

Close off C8.. edit...copy>merged... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame.. Now to get a smoother hand on first hand clapping..... holding down the shift on last had clapping to highlight these frames ..edit...copy...right click on last frame and paste after current frame.....much better..

In animation all...animation frame properties set at on the first frame of the lady clapping...holding down the shift on last frame... right click...animation frame proerties set at 21...right click on last frame...frame properties set at 150

For men only!!!! Highlight the clapping hands frames.... animation...frame properties set at 10

Hope you enjoyed this little tut

Come again soon

