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I have made room here for more tutorials

"Where the Boy's are page is full, so if your looking for Robert's or Tivis' tutorials,go back to my home page, I have given them each their own page now

Please click on "way back home" and click on their page

If you are looking for my holiday tutorials ,please go Way Back Home and click on holiday page...

There are very few animations on my index pages as it makes it hard for people with dial up to load the page...all my tags are animated


Thank you for stopping by

If you are trying to reach me, my new e mail is

E mail

I am trying to get this changed on all my tutorials

Sorry for the inconvenience


High Stepper

The Skater

April Showers

Little Mermaid

Blue Angel

Animated Arrow



Skate Boarding

High Jumper

Fun with


Sparkle Fairy


Teacup Ride

The Diver


Way back Home

Page 3

My Counter

tells me You are number