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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

My Angel

This picture was a challenge on a community I belong to...someone asked for a tut so here goes

Written byİDorothy

December 2003

There is a lot of duplicate and drag down so If you are not familiar with it you will soon find it is fun to work this way.... This is the way Raven makes all her tuts and I love working with the layers

You don't need much just the tools I have added

The font is Bondont Mutant, which I have enclosed int the tools...of course you may use a different font if you wish to


are the tools you will need

..............Lets begin..............

Open the font and shrink it to the the tools in PSP and close off all layers except the bottom one

Layers>new raster layer.....text tool and click on your BondontMutant tex...size 72 ...antalias and floating checked...color #AABDCA or another color to your likeing

Type your name in capitals and place it so she is sitting on the name... now hit your deform tool and drag your name down just so it is in line with her leg at the bottom...and maybe drag it a little bigger or may have to cut off some of her leg...depending on which letter you want to place her foot.....hit the apply in tool options to get rid of the deform.....

go to effects>inner bevel with these settings

Re name that layer text and close it off...drag it to the top...the bottom layers are our animated wings .

*note* Make sure after each duplicate you turn off the original

Now the fun starts....Duplicate layers 1,2,3,4,5...and close off the copies you just made

This is what your layer pallete should look like when you move your layers around

Click on bottom layer to higlight...duplicate and drag down >text...foot...bird.with on the bird layer to highlight it and go to image>resize and re size him to 50 %...make sure re size all layers does not have a check mark in it

Now click on effects>sharpen....with your mover tool take him to the top right corner and place him so just the rose is showing

Now when you re size the bird your whole pic may be smaller, at least that is what happens to just go to view...and click on normal viewing

I also hit the deform tool to turn my bird just a little to send him to ward the girl

Layers> name and close off

Open frame 2...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...bird with rose...and re size him 1 more time and turn him a little

Place the bird a little closer to the you will only have 5 frames to place the bird so kinda judges how far away you want him.....

Layers> name and close off

Open frame 3...duplicate and drag down...text...foot.....bird and rose...turn the bird just a littl but do not re size...bring him a little closer to the hand....


Open frame 4....duplicate and drag down....text...foot...bird and rose... now with your mover tool place the bird above her hand and with your lasso tool lasso the rose and edit copy...hit delete...edit pase as new layer and move the rose just to above her hand but not in the hand

Layers>merge...close and re name

Open frame 5...duplicate and drag down ...text...foot...bird the bird just above her hand

Layers>merge...close off and re name

Open copy of frame 1...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...bird take the bird and place him behind the head so it looks like he is leaving with my set up I had to drag bird 2 down to below copy of frame 1 to get him behind her head heading off will have to use the deform tool to turn him just a little up

Layers>merge...close off and re name

Open frame 2...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...rose...bird drag him down below frame 2...turn him just a bit...and move him further to ward the top of the canvas

Layers>merge...close off and re name

Open frame 3...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...rose...bird 2....turn the bird a little and send him just with his head off the canvas...

Layers>merge...close off and re name

Open frame 4...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...rose...bird 2....turn the bird just a little him so just his tail feathers are showing.....

Layers>merge...close off and re name

Open frame 5...duplicate and drag down...text...foot...rose...


...close off and re name

...Now she is way too big so with all layers off except the top layer... hit the crop tool and crop all around and across the bottom where the leg is...Image>crop.... we will make her even smaller in AS

Take the red x's off all layers and save as

.....AND YOUR DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....

* PSP you still have all your layers in tact...just delete your name layers(the 10 layers we just did) ...then save that template and you can make for your friends too...this is why I always have the originals saved*


Open your image in AS....first thing we will do is crop again....hit the crop tool...hit options..then click surround opaque area...ok...then the crop tool at the top

That made it a little go to size and I do mine to 300...hit ok and it looks much better

Now lets slow it down...go to all...animation...frame properties. set at 33...try changing these if you like... I kinda like that speed.....

Hit the animation button and see what you think

Now you are done...and man isn't she pretty

Thanks for doing my tut

Any problems please E Mail me
