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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Blue Angel

Ok, this is a very easy tut..I have done the animation and the picture is beautiful to begin with... I have enclosed the font I used but you may use colours and fonts of your let's get started


is all you will need

1)Open your template in the font and shrink it to the task bar

Close off all layers except the bottom layer...add a new layer and click on it with your text set at #0000C0 fill set at #D2CFEA...line set at 1...antalias checked ...type your name and click ok....Now we will put some life in this text.... while the text is still active you can either use a EC glass with these settings

If you do not have EC you can just do an inner bevel with these settings

either one is select >none...and move that layer under the girl so she is sitting on the name...that done and with the text layer still active...hit the de form tool... now we want to drag it down just a little so she is still sitting on it and you can see your name...close off all layers but the text...layers>merge...drag it to the name it text...

2)Duplicate text...drag down to under layer 1..gotta make sure it's under the layer 1 ...layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Do the same duplicate of text and drag down to inder the nex angel layer...layers> name and close off

Do this with each layer of the angel...when all done you can add sparkles to her hair....

3)With all layer closed off except the bottom layer...add a new layer and with your tube tool sparkle set at 35, or smaller....add a sparkle to each sparkle on her hair(if your really good and know how to do it you can make some strands of her hair move too) I have'nt figured that one out yet LOL... layers> merge...close off and re name

Do this with each angel layer...adding a layer and adding sparkles...mergeing and close off

Ok, got all that all layers and save as


Open your animation in may want to crop it and re size...I like size at about 300...makes a small signature

Edit >select all...animation>frame properties set at 31

And your done!!

Thank you for trying my tut

