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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
The Diver

Written by ©Dorothy



Diver Template

Open template in PSP...this is huge but we will re size later...lots of room to work....close off all layers except the bottom layer.... with your text tool size set at 48....vector checked....stroke set at null.... fill set at white....font of your choice but make it a thick one if you don't use mine.....type your name and with the middle node...pull the name up a little to make it bigger...layers...convert to raster.... open diver 9...and place your text at the bottom of the canvas making sure diver going to dive into the first may have to hit it with the deform tool and squeeze it in a little copy of girl 1 and make sure she is sitting on the last you may have to pull it up a little.... ...when it is placed just right close off divers layers.... ok, now lets flood fill with water.... with all layers closed except the on selections>select all... selections> to alpha none...layers>merge>visible

Add a new layer and with your flood fill tool...foreground set at your blue #66bfff....background set at null.....

click the texture the drop down arrow and find "ocean" on your new layer flood fill, you will have to flood fill about 6 times to get the right texture....with the magic wand and your text layer active... click outside the text...go to your flood fill layer and hit delete if you have any thing still filled with the flood fill such as "O" or "A" or "D" just click inside and delete the same as you deleted your flood fill...ok now we have it filled...layers> merge... add a new layer selections...load from alpha chanel....and click on effects...cutout...with these settings

Select none....Layers> name text...drag it to the bottom of the stack

Now to bring it to gether

1)Dupicate and drag down...text...board...board peice...drag down..girl 1....layers merge...close off and re name layer 1...

2)Dupicate and drag down...text...board...board peice...drag down...girl 2....layers merge...close off and re name layer 2...

3)Dupicate and drag down...text...board...board peice...duplicate and drag down...girl 3....layers merge...close off and re name layer 3...

4)Dupicate and drag down...text...board...board peice...duplicate and drag down...girl 3....move her up a little...with the board peice the active layer...image rotate...15 to place it back on the board....layers merge...close off and re name layer 4...

5)Dupicate and drag down...text...board...board peice.. drag down...diver 1....close off diver 1 ...merge the board layer and the board peice layer...and the text name board ...duplicate this layer and close off the diver 1....layers merge...close off and re name layer 5...

6)Duplicate and drag down....board ...diver 2...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 6

7)Duplicate and drag down.....board ...diver 3...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 7

8)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 4...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 8

9)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 5...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 9

10)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 6...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 10

11)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 7..layers>merge...close off and re name layer11

12)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 8...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 12

13)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 9...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 13

14)Duplicate and drag down......board ...diver 10...layers>merge...close off and re name layer 14

15)Duplicate and drag down......board 1...diver 11...move her so she is just touching the feet of the previous diver....layers>merge...close off and re name layer 15

16)Duplicate layer 16...lasso the diver and holding down the shift key.... using the arrows to the right of the keyboard....mover her down touching the first none... layers>merge...close off and re name layer 16

17)Duplicate and drag down....board ....diver 11... place the diver 1/2 in the text...lasso her 1/2 that is in the text....copy...hit delete...paste as new layer....put this peice back in place...on the layer palette...bring the opacity down to 50%....selections load from alpha chanel...selections...invert... hit the delete key...duplicate and drag down splash 1....image resize to none...layers>merge.. .close off and re name layer 17

18)Duplicate and drag down....board 1.....diver 11.. place the diver in the first letter....selections...load from alpha chanel...selections...invert... hit none.....on the layer palette... lower the opacity to 50...duplicate and drag down splash 1...... image re size to 60 %...lasso each splash and move it out a little.. ....layers>merge...close off and re name layer 18

19)Duplicate and drag down.....board 1.....girl 10 ... place her 1/2 in the first letter and 1/2 in the second letter... hit her with the de form tool and give her a little turn....selections...load from alpha chanel...selections...invert... hit none...on the layer palette...lower the opacity to 50.......layers>merge...close off and re name layer 19

20)Duplicate and drag down.....board 1.....girl 10 ... place her 1/2 in the second letter and 1/2 in the third letter... place her near the bottom.......selections...load from alpha chanel...selections...invert... hit none...on the layer palette...lower the opacity to 50......layers>merge...close off and re name layer 20

Keep placing her in the letters and load from alpha chanel... delete and then lower the this until her head is in the last letter

In the last letter...duplicate and drag down.....board 1....copy of girl 10.... her coming up on the last letter...hit her with the de form tool and turn her a little...selections.. load from alpha chanel....selections...invert... hit none...lower the opacity to 50... layers>merge...close off and re name

In the last letter...duplicate and drag down.....board 1....copy of diver11.... her coming up on the last letter....selections.. load from alpha chanel....selections...invert... hit none...lower the opacity to 50... layers>merge...close off and re name

In the last letter...duplicate and drag down.....board 1....copy of diver 11.... her half out of the last letter....lasso around the bottom half... copy....hit delete...paste as new layer and place this back on her body....lower the opacity to 50....selections.. load from alpha chanel....selections...invert... hit none...lower the opacity to 50...duplicate and dra down... splash size to 70 %.... layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate and drag down.....board 1....copy of diver 11.... place her out of the last letter.standing on top......duplicate and drag down... splash size to 60 %....lasso each peice of the letter and move it out a little... layers>merge...close off and re name

Duplicate and drag down.....board 1....copy of girl 1.... layers>merge...close off and re name

Now we need to re on size and make sure all layers are checked ...bicubic resample and ratio is checked....I sized mine to 300, but this is your choice

Open all layers and save as

And your done


Open animation your graphic, open a new canvas in AS size 400x400...flood fill with white....duplicate this canvas for as many frames as you have in your diver animation....when you have the same on the animation click edit>select all...edit>copy... click on the white on all... edit...paste into selected place your animation before you let go of the more the crop tool.. options... click surround aniimated crop.....much better

Right click on frame 3....copy...right click on frame 4...paste after current frame.... right click on frame 4...copy...right click on frame 5...paste after current frame...

Animation frames

FRame 1 set at ...125

Frame 2 and 3 set at ...75

Frame 4 to second last frame set at....21

Last frame set at ...175

And your done, I hope you had fun with this one
