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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Your Name in Fireworks

This tutorial is an original made in Photo Impact with the Gif Animator.I am not sure if you can get a demo of Gif Animator without owning Photo Impact.... I just took the fireworks and re made them in PSP....Thank's to Raven of Rantin Ravens Haven

for helping me out

I cannot claim this as my own as I had lots of help with it, it is yours to use and share, but do not copy and paste to another site, you are free to link back to this site though.......

..................Let's begin..........

This is all you will need

Open your fireworks in PSP

Click on the top layer and add a new raster layer....flood fill with black..... click on the text tool and with stroke null and fill to whatever color you like.....size about 48 depending on the size of your name....antalias checked...... ...type your ok...while the name is still active... click on ...effects >sculpture with these settings

While the letters are still active click on ...effect.3D...inner bevel with these settings

You can change any of the settings to suit your taste though

Selections>select none

On the layer palette right click on the text and duplicate it 9 times to give you 10 text layers(one for each firework layer)

Now close off all layers and frames except for frame 1 and a text layer... drag your frame 1 up to the bottom text layer and make sure it is on top of the text, if it is under the text you will not see the fire works

Like so!

Layers>merge visible and rename it frame 1.....close off that layer and open and drag to the next text layer frame the text layer and make sure you can see the fireworks on top of the text....layers>merge visible and rename frame 2

Just keep doing that until all 10 frames have a can stop now and open all layers and save as or you can make a frame


OK, I learned how to do this frame from the kitty peeking tut by Popp and I love it, it's so easy.... if you still have all your frames in psp close off all layers except the top layer....just click on the top layer all...selections....modify by 10.....selections invert...this is great because it is on all frames

I also included in the tools a gold embossed pattern, it makes a very pretty frame that does'nt have to have an inner bevel, just open it in psp and click on your pattern and flood fill with the gold

Flood fill the selection and add your inner bevel or whatever you wish to use.I just went with sculpture and inner bevel same settings as my text

Close off that layer and highlight the next layer and flood fill and sculpture and...inner bevel as this with all the up all your frames and as...

.....Open AS and open your frames, I set the properties at 20 by all..animation...frame properties........set at 20.. and the last right click and ..frame properties I set at 100 ...but you can choose your own speeds....

Have fun
