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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Page 2

Ok we got her this far...Let's take her back

You should have 1 name left...if you have more that's ok cause we are going to use them now.... if you just have 1 name left duplicate it and close off the original...

Copy h2 and paste as new layer and we have to mirror her all the way mirror and place her on top of your last letter.... close off that layer and re name it

Duplicate the name again ...close off the original...and copy and paste her and remember to mirror her each time.....close off that layer and rename it

Duplicate name...copy and paste lady.....mirror her on top of the next letter...close off that layer and re name it

Do this with each letter including the first letter...

Now we have to put the white background on and she will look much better

Close off all frames except the bottom one

Click on it to highlight and then add a new raster layer......flood fill with white

The rest is quite easy we are just going to duplicate the filled layer(call it background) and put it under each layer

So, duplicate the first layer...close of the original background layer....layers>merge visble and you can re name it

Duplicate the background.....close of the the next layer....layers>merge name... do this with each layer and make sure the lady is on top of the background layer......

Ok, we are done with that ,now lets frame her.....

All layers should be off with the red glasses...take the glasses off the very top layer ......go to selections>select all>selections>modify>contract by 5 or 6 however width you want your frame........selections>invert

Flood fill your frame and add an inner bevel...close off that layer and open the next layer and flood fill and add your bevel.... do this all the way down and


until you are done and ready to save.... make sure you put the same bevel on all frames....

Gad there are a lot of frames...anyway. if you got this far, well done and on to the fun part



There is not much to the animation...take the glasses off all the frames and save as

Open her in animation shop and now is a good time to crop her and maybe resize her to about 300 or 400.....your preference

Click on edit>select all>animation >frame properties>18, but I think that may be a little fast so you can change it .....on the first frame right click and frame properties set at 130..... on frame 16(depending on the size of your name) set the properties at 130..... the frame to set at 130 is the last frame where she is standing at the end of your name

Click the animation button and watch her dance

That's all there is, there ain't no more

I hope you had as much fun with this as I did

Any problems please

E Mail Me
