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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

The Mermaid

This is a tube from the Jazzl is one of the tubes I really liked so I took her apart and this is what I came up with

I used a little bee I got from Jazzl because I did'nt have a bird tube, so if you have a bird you would like to use just add it as a layer...also an artist I am not so if you can make a better puff go ahead and add that as a layer also

This has a lot of layers to duplicate and drag down so lets get started



is all you will need

Open your tools in PSP...close off all layers except the bottom layer..... add a new on your text tool and on your canvas......font size 48... antalias checked...stoke set at null... fill set at #D3E8D7...type your name and place it near the bottom..... add an inner bevel with these settings

Add a new layer and click on the text tool...your name will still be there...stroke set at white...line set at 4... antalias checked...type your name... place it on top of the other name and I used effects>sculptue with these settings

but you can use whatever suits you.....with just your text layers open...layers>merge.... re name text....hit the deform tool and drag your name up to the edge of mermaid's pic 1 to judge the height.....

Ok, all that done lets start.....I hope you have a good strong cup of coffee..because you are going to be here for a while

* Three things to remember as you do this tut*

(1) Always make sure you close off the original layer

(2) We are going to tilt the mermaid to see her when I do a drag down I will put >tilt right or left...when you tilt her do it ever so little...we want her to drift not fall out of her tube.... to tilt her just click on image>rotate and I set mine at 5 degrees but play with may want the angle more or less than mine....

3)Most important is to save often...I had my psp freeze and had to start over.

1)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1... .Layers>merge...close off and re name

2)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1>tilt right.. .... bee...with the bee layer active ...image re size and enter 50%... duplicate that layer and drag the copy up under the water layer...close off....with the bee layer the active layer place him way up and almost off the page in the right hand corner....Layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1.. copy of bee...duplicate the bee layer close off the duplicate... with the bee layer active ...move him down a little further...Layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple..pic 1>tilt>left... just open copy of bee... with the bee layer active ...move him down a little further...Layers>merge...close off and re name

5)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1... bee...and re size him to 75% with the bee layer active ...move him down a little further...Layers>merge...close off and re name

6)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1>tilt>right bee...resize to 75% with the bee layer active ...move him down so his stinger is touching the tube.....Layers>merge...close off and re name

7)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1..puff.... bee...resize to 75% ...with the bee layer active ...move him down so his stinger is touching the tube.....Layers>merge...close off and re name

8)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic1>tilt>left..puff.... bee...resize to 75%.. with the bee layer active ...move him up so he is heading out and drag him under pic 1 layer....Layers>merge...close off and re name

9)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...pic2....puff... bee...resize to 75%... with the bee layer active ...move him up so he showing coming from the under the top of her head.... and drag him under pic 2 layer....Layers>merge...close off and re name

10)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...back deflated..bust...front deflated...bra 1... bee...resize to 75%... with the bee layer active ...move him up further to the top of the canvas... close off all layers except front and back deflated and the bust...layers>merge...tilt>right the other layers.....Layers>merge...close off and re name

11)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...back deflated..bust...front deflated...bra 1... bee...resize to 75%... with the bee layer active ...move him up further to the top and off the canvas so about 1/2 his body is showing.. activate the bust layer and move her down a little so just the mouth is showing....... with your lasso tool click around the bust that is showing and hit delete... ....Layers>merge...close off and re name

12)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple...back deflated..bust...front deflated...bra 1...... activate the bust layer and move her down a little so just the top of her eyes are showing....... with your lasso tool click around the bust that is showing and hit delete... close off all layers except...front and back deflated and the bust...layers>merge..tilt>left the other layers ....Layers>merge...close off and re name

13)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple.....bra 1......back deflated...front deflated.....close off all layers except the front and back deflated...layers>merge... duplicate this layer and close off......... ...Layers>merge...close off and re name

14)Duplicate and drag down in this order....water..text...ripple.....bra 1...... open your duplicated layer of the tube..tilt>right ...Layers>merge...close off and re name

And we are done with this part!

Open all layers and save as

Of course we have to animate her

Open animation the browse button to find your it and click on crop then click surround opaque area click crop...that's a little smaller, but I like mine at about click edit>select all...animation re size to 300....back to edit>select set at on the last frame ... right click and frame properties set at 150


I hope you had as much fun with her as I did

If you have a problem just let me know
