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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

Just another little tag, wishing for summer makes you want to swim

Written byİDorothy



Showoff template

Open your template in the font and shrink it to taskbar.....close off all layers except the bottom layer... add a new layer and with your text tool ...size set at 72...font enclosed... srtoke set at null....fill set at white...vector and antalias checked...caps lock on..... type your text... .open d10..drag the text over so you can place him on the last d1 and place him on the last the mermaid and move her down so she is resting on the first the old lady and place her on the first letter too... you may have to stretch the name to fit the mermaid....close off all layers except the text layer...layers...convert to raster layer..layers>merge... re name text.... with just the text layer the active layer...go to all... to alpha none...


Add a new layer and with your flood fill tool...foreground set at blue #30a8ff....background set at null.....

click the texture the drop down arrow and find "ocean" on your new layer flood fill, you will have to flood fill about 6 times to get the right texture....with the magic wand and your text layer active... click outside the text...go to your flood fill layer and hit delete if you have any thing still filled with the flood fill such as "O" or "A" or "D" just click inside and delete the same as you deleted your flood fill...ok now we have it filled...layers> merge... add a new layer selections...load from alpha chanel....and click on effects...cutout...with these settings

Select none....Layers> name text...

With all layers closed except the text and the cutout....merge these 2 layers and re name text

This is what your layer palette should look like

Let's put it to gether now

Note*You may have to move the divers to fit in your name.. they may not fall right into place with less or more letters than mine

1)Open text layer......mermaid...and d1... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

2)Close d2... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

3)Close d3... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

4)Close d4... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

5)Close d5... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

6)Close d6... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

7)Open splash 1....image re size to 70% and move it to on top of the letter...close d6 d7...... ....if any part of the man's body is on the letter...lasso the part on the letter.... copy....hit delete....paste as new layer...and place his part back on the body...on the layer palette...on the right hand side of the palette... using the little arrow...bring the opacity down to 50....selections...load from alpha chanel....selections...invert....hit none... edit>copy merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

8)Open old lady.....splash 1...image re size to 50%....close d7 d8.. with this one you may have to move him down a bit depending on the size of your name.... ...on the right hand side of the layer palette... using the little arrow...bring the opacity down to 50....selections...load from alpha chanel....selections...invert....hit none... make the mermaid the active layer... on the layer palette lower the opacity to 70.... edit>copy>merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

9)Close off d9 ....on the layer palette...on the right hand side of the palette... using the little arrow...bring the opacity down to 50....selections...load from alpha chanel....selections...invert....hit none...make the mermaid the active layer and lower the opacity to 60.... layers>merge...close off and re name

10)Close splash 1...Open splash 2...image re size to on the last letter...duplicate and close off original... close D10..duplicate him 2 more times... Place him 1/2 out of the letter...lasso the part in the letter....copy....hit delete...paste as new layer.... it back on the body....lower the opacity to 50%.... ...selections...load from alpha chanel....selections...invert....hit none...make the mermaid the active layer and lower and on the layer palette lower the opacity to 40.... edit>copy merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

11)Splash 2...image re size to 50%....close off previous copy of d10 and the 1/2 body in the another copy of D10.. place him on the letter...... ..make the mermaid the active layer and lower the opacity to 20.... edit>copy merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

12)Lower the mermaid opacity to 10....... edit>copy merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

13)Open..copy of D10..... .....add a new layer and with the preset tool...find callout #9 or whichever one you would like to use...draw your callout and place by his mouth....add a new layer and with the text tool add your message....close off all layers except the diver and callout layer... layers>merge name this layer callout.....duplicate and close off original.... open the old lady and text layer.... edit>copy merge...In AS...right click and paste as new animation

14)Old lady...lower the opacity to 70...edit>copy merge... In AS...right click and paste as new animation

15) Opon mermaid...bring the opacity to 20... old lady...lower the opacity to 60.. ...edit>copy merge... In AS...right click and paste as new animation

16)Mermaid...lower the opacity to 40....close off previous layer af d 10... .old lady...lower the opacity to 40. ....edit>copy merge... In AS...right click and paste as new animation

17)Mermaid...lower the opacity to 70..... .old lady...lower the opacty to20....edit>copy merge... In AS...right click and paste as new animation

18)Old lady...lower the opacity to 10.... mermaid...lower the opacity to 80....edit>copy merge... In AS...right click and paste as new animation


I brought mine down to 300.... so size....300... all....animation...frame proerties set at 21....right click on first frame...animation properties set at 100.....right click on frame set at 100

I hope you enjoyed my tut
