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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial


The little skateboarder I am using with the permission of McMillan Digital Art...therefore I feel the little logo should be left on the tut

Written by ©Dorothy

May 2004

All done talking, let's start

*Note...I placed all the images at the bottom... on how to turn the boy...this way you won't have to print them all turn starts at turn 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and turn 9


is all you will need

Open your template in PSP...close off all layers except the bottom layer...

Add a new layer and with your text size set at 72...font Samarkan Oblique.....enclosed in the tools... fill set at your colour...stroke set at black...line set at 1....antalias and floating checked...type your name...close off all other layers and layers> name text.... ...with the lasso tool ...lasso the letters above the line...for example..I had d,t,h... so I lassoed them and deleted...then I added the - to the t...

Like so

....... I added the slide...which I put in the can change the colour... as it's on it's own layer....or you can make your own..whatever you decide...merge the text and the slide layer and re name text........all you can add an inner bevel or whatever you like to the text and the slide...I used the glass from eye candy 3000...default settings.....make sure the boy is sitting on your text...just move the text over to him...this canvas is huge but we will make it smaller later

1)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate and drag down..text.....boy him to the right hand side of your text,to skate across your name...logo...I don't know how you add a logo so I just do it this way...if you have a better way...please use long as the logo gets put on....layers>merge..close off and re name

2)Add a new layer..flood fill with white...duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer active... hit the deform tool and with the ctrl key held down...and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move him over about 1 length...layers>merge...close off and re name

3)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer active... hit the deform tool and with the ctrl key held down...and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move him over another may have to open the previous layer to see where to place him....layers>merge...close off and re name

4)Add a new layer...flood fill with white....duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer active... hit the deform tool and with the ctrl key held down...and using the arrows to the right of the now mine is ready to go to the edge...move him over to the edge.....layers>merge...close off and re name

5)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer active...hit the deform tool and turn him just a little so his wheels are sitting on the board...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge

6)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer active...hit the deform tool and turn him just a little more heading down the board..and so his wheels are sitting on the board...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge...close off and re name

7)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text....boy 1...logo...with the boy layer him flat on the ground.....layers>merge...close off and re name

8)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...boy 2...logo...with the boy 2 the active layer... place him a little past the previous layer but do not let him go off the canvas...layers>merge...close off and re name

9)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo.. .. boy 2...move him to just above the previous layer... hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right just a none...layers>merge...close off and re name

10)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo..... boy 2...move him to just above the previous layer... hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a none...layers>merge...close off and re name

11)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo... .. boy 2...move him to just above the previous layer... hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a none...layers>merge...close off and re name

12)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo..... boy 2...move him to just above the previous layer... hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a none...layers>merge...close off and re name

13)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo..... boy 2...move him to just above the previous layer... hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a none...layers>merge...close off and re name

14)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo...... boy 2... and hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a little and start moving him down...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge...close off and re name

15)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate .and drag down...text...logo..... boy 2... and hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a little and and down...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge...close off and re name

16)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo...... boy 2... and hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right just a little and start moving him down...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge...close off and re name

17)Add a new layer...flood fill with white..duplicate and drag down...text...logo...... boy 2... and hit him with the de form tool... turn him to the right a little and move him down on to the board near the bottom...effects>sharpen.....layers>merge...close off and re name

18)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate...text...boy 1...logo...with the boy 1 the active him heading off the canvas.....layers>merge...close off and r ename

19)Add a new layer...flood fill with white.......duplicate ...text...logo... boy 1... move him further off the canvas...(hit the deform tool and with the ctrl key held down...and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move him)...layers>merge...close off and re name

21)Add a new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate...text...logo.... boy 1... move him half off the canvas...(hit the deform tool and with the ctrl key held down...and using the arrows to the right of the keyboard...move him)...layers>merge...close off and re name

22)Add new layer...flood fill with white...duplicate... text...logo......layers>merge

Now he is pretty big so go to size...make sure "all layers" is checked...I took mine to 300...seems that's my favourite... take off all the x's and save as

.....All Done!...



Open your graphic in animation shop...edit >select all...animation properties set at 20... right click on first frame...layer proerties set at 125...right click on last frame... properties set at 125...change these settings to your liking

Happy skating !

Thank you for trying my tut

