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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial

The Skater

One of my favourite pastimes as a young girl was skating, not necessarily figure skating,just plain old skating and having fun

I found a few pictures of skaters so I made this little tut

The spary effect came from a tut called "Fairy Dust signature"....written by Shala...


Is her web page


Written by ©Dorothy, Dec/2004

Tag by Dorothy

Let's begin



Open template in PSP.....close off all layers except spin 21 layer ...add new layer... and type your name....not too big, I made mine 26...font Alaskan night enclosed.... stroke set at #728AA9....fill set at #DEE7E7........floating and antalias checked.... type your name and place it at the bottom right corner... close off and re name text....

I have done most of the work with the spinner so all you have to do is the text and the spray

Drag down to on top of spin 21.... skater her on top of spin 21 skater....close off spin 21...and skater stopped

1)Close off all layers except girl 1...edit.... AS....right click and paste as new layer

2)Close off girl girl 2...edit...copy merge... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

3)Close off girl spin 1...edit...copy merge... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

4)Close off spin 1 spin 2...edit...copy merge... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

5)Close off spin spin 3...edit...copy merge... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

6)Close off spin spin 4...edit...copy merge... in AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Just keep doing this for each spin up to and including spin 21

Close off spin background and skater stopped.. edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

With the mover tool ...move the skater down just a the spray so you don't place her on top of it in this move...close off spray...edit...copoy merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Open the spray and duplicate it 2 times for a total of 3 name sray 1,2and 3....close off 2 and 3 layers ...move the skater down a little more.......with the spray 1 layer the active layer... go to effects>gausian blur....set at 2...go to the right side of your layer palette and click on the drop down button....change that to on the same layer... lower the opacity to 82...edit...copy AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Close off spray 1 layer and open spray 2 layer....making it the active layer...go to effects... gausian blur and this time .set at 4...go to the right side of your layer palette and click on the drop down button....change that to on the same layer... lower the opacity to your text....drag it so it is under spray 2...move the skater down a little further....edit...copy AS....edit...copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Close off spray 2 layer and open spray 3 layer....making it the active layer...go to effects... gausian blur and this time set at 6...go to the right side of your layer palette and click on the drop down button....change that to on the same layer... lower the opacity to 50.....make sure your text is under the spray 3 layer move the skater so she touches the tip of the first letter......edit...copy AS... right click on last frame and paste after current frame

Close off spray 3 layer.....edit...copy merge... in AS...right click on last frame and paste after current frame

And your done..........well almost

In animation shop......might be a good time to re size it to about 300...

Right click on frame 1....frame properties set at 10.... right click on frame 2...frame properties set at on frame 3 and while holding down your shift on frame 23...right click on frame 23...frame proerties set at 10....right click on frame 24,25,26 and 27.... frame proerties set at 21.....right click on frame 29...frame proerties set at 200

If you want to really make her on frame 3 and while holding down the shift on frame edit>copy.....right click on frame 23...paste after current frame...this gives a much better animation

And your done

I hope you had fun with my winter tut
