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Use the pencil to mark where you left off in the tutorial
Teacup Ride

This is entirely my own tut and animation...The picture was given to me by Robert months ago and it has taken me all this time to figure it out...I think it was well worth the effort...I do not have the original picture... so the template will be of all the cups already cut out...The background I made and the railings...An artist I am not, so if you would like to add a mat and different railings please feel free to do so

Written by

©Dorothy,July 24/2004

Tag by Dorothy

Let's get this thing rolling


Open template in will see a layer called template,I made with arrows, each arrow is where you will move the cups with each move... we will do a "save as" so open a new folder,because you are going to have a lot of layers

Add a new layer....flood fill with name Background...drag to the very bottom of the stack

Add a new layer and with the text tool type your name...I just used Arial Greek...size 28...line set at 1...stroke set at black...fill set at red....these are your choices...layers>merge... close off and re name at bottom of the graphic

1)Close off the arrow template...text layer and the door layer...layers>merge... save to your folder as image 1

2)Click the Undo button....duplicate cup # 6...close off the original... Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow.lasso and delete the door of the cup coming down from the left will be on the red the layer of the door and place it on the spot you just deleted...only to the left of the opening ...add a new layer and type the first letter of your it in the name this layer by your letter...same settings as text only size the letter in the box......layers>merge...close off and save as image 2

3)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green will have to drag the first letter and the door with the cup....close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 3

4)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black will have to drag the first letter and the door with the the letter on the steps... close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 4

5)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow. arrow...delete the copy of cup 6 cup 6....duplicate copy of cup 5... close original copy....lasso and delete the door on the red arrow to the door layer to the left of the opening...... add a new layer and type the second letter of your name.... re name it in the opening... close off template and find the first letter of your name and Image...flip and move it over towards the first letter of your text...layers>merge...close off and save as image 5

6)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green arrow....drag the second letter and the door along with the cup...find your first letter and move it over to above the First letter of your text...close off the arrow layer...layers> as image 6

7)Click the Undo button....delete the first letter on the layer palette we are done with that....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black arrow...drag cup 5,the letter and the door the letter on the steps...duplicate and drag down text...lasso all but the first letter...delete.....layers> as image 7

8)Click the Undo button....delete copy of cup cup 5...Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow .....duplicate copy of cup 4... close original copy....lasso and delete the door on the red arrow to the left.. door.... place it to the left of the opening...... add a new layer and type the 3rd letter of your name it... place it in the opening... close off template and find the second letter of your name and Image...flip and move it over towards the letter in your text...layers>merge...close off and save as image 8

9)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green will have to drag the letter and the door with cup....find the second letter and move it to above the second letter in your text... open text layer to judge.... close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 9

10)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black will have to drag the letter and the door with the the letter on the steps... ..delete copy of text...duplicate text...close off the original...lasso all but the first 2 letters...delete... delete the second letter on the layer palette... close off template and ...layers>merge...close off and save as image 10

11)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow..delete the copy of cup 4 cup 4...duplicate copy of cup 3.. close original copy....lasso and delete the door on the red arrow to the left. door.... place it to the left of the opening...... add a new layer and type the next letter of your name.... re name it in the opening... close off template and find the previous letter of your name and move it over towards the letter of your text...layers>merge...close off and save as image 11

12Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green will have to drag the letter and the door with the cup....find the previous letter and image flip.. move it to above the letter in your text... open text layer to judge.... close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 12

13)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black will have to drag the letter and the door with the the letter on the steps... ..delete copy of text...duplicate text...close off the original...lasso all but the first 3 letters...delete... delete the previous letter on the layer palette... close off template and ...layers>merge...close off and save as image 13

14)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow..delete the copy of cup 3 cup 3...duplicate copy of cup 2. close original copy....lasso and delete the door on the red arrow to the left. door.... place it to the left of the opening...... add a new layer and type the next letter of your name.... re name it in the opening... close off template and find the previous letter of your name and move it over towards the letter of your text...layers> as image 14

15)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green will have to drag the letter and the door with the previous cup....find the previous letter and delete.. delete copy of text...duplicate text...close off original...lasso all but the first 4 letters of your name...delete.... close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 15

16)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black will have to drag the letter and the door with the the letter on the steps... .. close off template and ...layers>merge...close off and save as image 16

17)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow..delete the copy of cup 2 cup 2...duplicate cup 1. close original copy....lasso and delete the door on the red arrow to the left..door..... place it to the left of the opening...... add a new layer and type the next letter of your name.... re name it in the opening... close off template and find the previous letter of your name ..image flip and move to on top of that letter in your text...layers> as image 17

18)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green will have to drag the letter and the door with the cup....find the previous letter and delete.. delete copy of text...duplicate text...close off original...lasso all but the first 5 letters of your name...delete.... close off template and layers>merge...close off and save as image 18

19)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the black will have to drag the letter and the door with the the letter on the steps... .. close off template and ...layers>merge...close off and save as image 19

20)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the red arrow..delete the copy of cup 1 cup 1... close off template and find the previous letter of your name ..image flip and move over to on top of that letter in your name....close off the door layer..

21)Click the Undo button....Open the arrow template and move each cup ahead by 1 the green arrow..delete the previous letter....delete copy of text...duplicate text ...close off original ...layers> as

.This should be the end of your text

This is worked with 6 we just have to keep moving the cups around until # 1 rests in it's original you move the cups from arrow to arrow make sure you open the text so it shows on every layer


Same size as first image


Upper left corner of frame and with the canvas colour

Yes, repeat animation indefinetly...21 in the


Finish size to 60% for a graphic 730 KB...for a bigger one try 75% for a graphic 1.05 MB...this size will not upload to msn communities......check your animation for speed, if it is too fast or slow just edit>select all...animation frame properties set to the speed you prefer

I hope you enjoyed doing this tut...thanks for stopping by

