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undefined HomeFlowers Eye Candy HomeFlowers Gifts & Collections

Globe Collection

There are so many talented people and I love pretty things. Realistically, who doesn't ?
We all want to be surrounded by beautiful things and I am no exception
These are things I adopted from various sites
Please don't take any of these items
I have placed individual banners at the bottom of each page, so you can go directly to the source and adopt your own globes and dolls
I just wanted to have all these beautiful things right here so I can gaze at them at will

Who can blame me !
At one time I used to save the pages to my favorite folder and just return and look at the great works until some sites shut down, others moved or removed some of my favorite pictures
One site actually decided to make it a pay per view site - if you pay an annual fee you can browse the pages.........
needless to say, I didn't like the pictures enough to pay to view them

On my pages you can view these pictures all you want but please don't take them from here.....visit the individual artists and make your selection from their sites

Go ahead ! Take a look...I've held you up long enough !

Globes From Parvi Sed Magni

Globes From Silken Fairy

Globes From Unknown Sources