lucky mew
My website has MOVED! And has been re-done. I was going to re-do it into a whole new Pokemon website with the works, but... it's just way too much work and I have a lot of other things to do. So instead, I've turned it into a Fanstuff & Gallery only Pokemon website! Click below to view it!
The Silver Cave
Yeah, it's now called The Silver Cave. Also, I'm no longer known as Princess Mew anymore---and my e-mail has been changed, practically my whole identity has been changed. And also, I promise The Silver Cave is not as embarassing as Lucky Mew was (if you didn't know what was embarassing about LM then... you have some issues). So I really hope you'll like it. Thank you... and please, don't remember me as the girl who made Lucky Mew. Lucky Mew is no more. It's The Silver Cave now.