rad mad mewtwo!

Okay, pretty dumb name, but it's the only title I could think of ;p Anyway, yup, I made Mewtwo his own minipage. And it has plenty of Mewtwo-only related stuff on it---I even have a seperate e-mail address for this page! So, enjoy! ^.~
Okay, first off, here's some Mewtwo pictures! I got them all off of other places on the 'net(with no copyright information---I DON'T steal!) so you may take them. Due to the forgetting my pass word situation, my RMM e-mail has been slightly changed. The "two" part has been replaced with the number 2. To submit a picture, e-mail me at mew2rox@i-love-dogs.com(NOT my other e-mail) and I will get it up along with crediting you as well. ^.~

Oh, and you can't forget this. Here's some information on Mewtwo. I got it all from "The Official Pokemon Handbook" by Maria S. Barbo.
Pronunciation: Myu-Too
Element: Psychic
Type: Genetic
Height: 6'7"
Weight: 269 lbs
Techniques: Confusion, Disable, Swift
Other Techniques: Barrier, Psychic, Recover, Mist, Amnesia
Good Against: Fighting, Poison
Bad Against: Psychic
Evolution: None
Description: Mewtwo is the most difficult Pokemon to capture. You've heard about it. You've read about it. Now you have to face it. Mewtwo was created in the lab on Cinnabar Island after years of research on DNA and gene splicing. Scientists were able to genetically process the cells of Mew, the rarest Pokemon on Earth, to create the ultimate fighting machine. But they lived to regret it. Mewtwo is fierce and extremely hostile. It can't deal with being in a Poke Ball. So don't even try it. You'll need a Master Ball to capture this ferocious feline. Mewtwo can only be found after you have defeated the Elite Four. It will test every skill you have gained along your journey. If you defeat Mewtwo, you will be worthy of the title The World's Greatest Pokemon Master.
Want to link to Rad Mad Mewtwo? I know it it's just a minipage, a corner page to my real Pokemon page, but you can link to it anyway! Here's the banner.
PLEASE, this page is short on stuff! If you have any Mewtwo related stuff, then please, PLEASE submit it to mew2rox@i-love-dogs.com!
lucky mew