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undefined OH MY GRAPHICS

Symbol, Logo, Sticker design, pictures optimized for web purposes, basic web pages, web banners or buttons or maybe all of the above?

Well you've come to the right place!!!

Here are some ideas I came up with for The band OVERSIGHT to use for there up coming cd cover

This an available design This an available design This an available design

This was the final design This an available design

And I am currently working with the band MEDULLA BUZZ

We will use YOUR ideas or we can create an original design
The possiblities are endless

We can do banners

Web Buttons

Send your pics and ideas and see what !OH MY! can do for you

Here are some examples of other stuff that we can do

click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version

click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version click here to see larger version
sorry theres no larger version

To get info on how to get started haveing !OH MY! GRAPHICS design your cd or flyer
Just send an Email to !OH MY! GRAPHICS
and we will get your project started

Kick !Ass! Web Sites

OVERSIGHT's official web site
STRANGLEHOLDS official website
NU ZU Recording Studo
OASIS CD Duplication
Gigdates Network
Disc Makers
ROCKSTARS.150M official website

Please sign the book
and let me know what you think

Go ahead and look already
Sign It Right Here

Please come back and tell your friends to visit!
Thank you for visiting my page

Since May 18th 2002

For any other project please email for qoute