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Winter 2002:

Of fischeries and wars yet to be


Dedication The old man tending fischery near where a bard once sang. Four horses, four fabulous riders; two now remain. Of songs and things Of drums and rings of Dark Deep secrets kept by the king and his guards. ... and yet ...
Minstrels, mimes and monsters blue, steep the leaves of tomes as leaves of tea. And an old seer sees all, knows all; but, tells only this... And then came the day when the rains would not fall.
COME! Toil the heat, Tide your cool. Kelvins lost, centigrade un-measured Of foolish Kings who will not listen the sage sayings of see-ings long gone. "Stop" say the words. "Stop" and think. "Stop" and feel what you are doing to the world. The world pauses on its axis, but....
Come the boiling heated sulfur pits, Come the burning of the forests, Come the gashing of the earth. Warnings given by Priest, Rabbi, and Mullah. Cast aside. (pause) Ignored for present quarter's profit; ignoring the prophets' warnings. Nahum: The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the Palace shall be disolved. John: I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord. The Dawn: In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful. There is surely and an oath for thinking man. Enter thou my Garden. And yet....
These three wise prophets could not be heard over the grubbling and grambling of coiners and counters of profit and change, over the roar of kings and crowds for WAR! And over the silence of indifference, that was do un-utterably Deafen-ing that even the Silence of THAT Spring could not be heard. A barren world, numbered three orbits a distant star. Even the winds and rocks have nothing left to say. And even a mis-understood Devil is silent as "dragon of death"; he too, now has no demesne to rule. (pause) IT IS THE END. And yet...
Return oh cool, gentle healing rains. Flow, flow, flow oh blue-clear rivers. Oh sing, and chirp, and grunt small blue-green world. Oh Land, Land, Land! Cleared of this beast called MAN. And now a new tribe called Mon, has learned before its world be-fell its own foolish short-sight. And, as an old poet lays down his pen for the very last time, he listens to the song of the world -- satisfied that his job is done. And now only to that final rest he goes. To sleep forever. (sotto) and yet....
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