All of the Petz in the Adoption Center are ones that I have adopted from Petz or bred. None of these kittenz/puppiez or Catz/Dogz are from other Petz adoption pages. You can play with these Petz in Petz 3 and Petz 4.
- You must keep "Racieb" in the show name (YourKennel/Racieb PetzName)
- You may not make any copies of the pet.
- Don't put the pet up for adoption on your site or any others. If you can't take care of him or her, return them to me.
- Where it says "Did you read the rules?" write "floobs" so I know you did.
- Don't abuse the pet! I raised them with care, and I want my Petz to be happy in their new homes!
- I'd like pictures or something every once in a while, to know my pet is doing well.
- One pet per week. On two pet adoptions, you must wait two weeks before adopting again.
- Freebie Petz stay up for adoption on the site, untl I decide to take them off. These Petz may have been adopted any number of times. If you want a one-of-a-kind pet, don't choose a Freebie.