Now you can adopt a tame Opossum of your very own! They may look like big, fuzzy rats but Opossumz are actually marsupials (like kangaroos and koalas). The only sound they make is a hiss, so don't assume they are mad at you if that's all they do! That's just how they talk. And, yes, it's okay to feed them the Catz Food... they happen to love it!
Click to see what a real Opossum looks like.
for Catz 3 (363k)
Hedgehogz are friendly, prickly Petz that love a good back scratch... just be careful of their spikez! Domestic Hedgehogz are often fed Catz Food, like the guy below.
Click to see what a real Hedgehog looks like.
for Catz 3 (495k)
Raccoonz are mischevious and precocious Petz, and they are always joking around. But, if Raccoonz are raised from when they're young, they can be your friendly and cuddly companionz! These Raccoonz come with real Raccoon sounds, and you must unzip these to the resource/catz/ra folder to hear the Coonz chatter.
Click to see what a real Raccoon looks like.
for Catz 3 (485k) (1.03M)
They're back, and better than ever! Older Petz fans may remember the original Clydesdalez (1999) from Cloud 9 Kennels. Here is Version 2, with an improved look and real horse sounds! With four different eye colors - brown, gray, dusty, and rust - you can breed them to get very beautiful show horsez! (Note: These Clydesdalez overwrite the originals.)
for Dogz 3 (494k) (668k)