The Baobab Tree
"Adamsonia digitata"
from the family Bombacaea.Also known as the Cream of Tartar tree or in Shona as "Mvuku" or "Mumungu" and in Sindebele as "Umkhomo" the magnificent Baobab grows to more than 15 metres in height and over 7 metres in girth. There was a particular Baobab by the Devuli River bridge which was hollow and inside which 40 people could shelter. Anybody who has tasted the seed of the Baobab fruit will never forget the sweet fizzy flavour which is similar to cream of tartar.
Found mainly in dry lowveld and in the Sabi, Limpopo & Zambesi valleys the distinctive Baobab is said to be impossible to kill because even if the inside is burnt away the tree continues to grow and if the bark is stripped away it simply grows new bark.