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The Zimbabwe Ruins

Also known as Great Zimbabwe

Not to be confused with the ruin that the country of Zimbabwe has now become!

Situated a few miles south of Fort Victoria close to the shores of Lake Kyle, these are perhaps the finest example of the ancient civilization which once existed. I wonder if in some future time, they will say the same sort of thing about the Les Brown Pool or the Earl Grey Buildings!?

The "Acropolis" as it was dubbed by early archaeologist, Theodore Bent was built around huge granite boulders with a sheer drop of some 90 feet on 3 sides. The debate as to the true origins of the buildings still continues. I subscribe to the Phoenecian theory. It sounds more plausible than crediting the ancestors of any of the present day local residents – although doubtless they contributed labour in construction & later in laying the place to waste.

Carbon dating of artefacts found in the "Temple" enclosure indicate origins as far back at the 12th Century.

The "Conical Tower" was thought to have some mysterious and possible sinister conotations.

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