Who's Who in Room 41

A-C / D-H / I-M / N-S / T-Z / addendum

Who's Who in Room 41 - [addendum]

Here's a few more e-ddresses for people who are on the internet, but who don't yet receive the Room 41 listserve mailings. [Mostly these are people who have email through their employment and therefore can't receive bulk email unrelated to their job.]

Frank Adducci  -    fjadd@worldnet.att.net
Kim Benesh     -    kmbenesh@aol.com
Shem Bitterman  - shemb@mediaone.net
Craig Childress     -   craig@envirosell.com
Ron Clark  - riverdog@inav.net
Thea Cooper    -    topcatcoop@aol.com
Sandy Dietrick   -    sandy.dietrick@homebox.com
Mark Fite   -    fitela@aol.com
Reva Fox    -    jblumin@ucla.edu
Dave Guerdette   -   dave@envirosell.com
David Hancock  -    dhancock@gustavus.edu
Michael Hornaday -hornaday@hrswanton.com
Jody Hovland  -  riverdog@inav.net
Toby Huss      -   huss125ton@aol.com
Reid Jensen    -    reid.jensen@MCI2000.com
Greg Jackson   -    moonrivr@earthlink.net
Tammy Jo Kreiter    -    texwamudd@aol.com
Kim Lenth -    klenth@freedomgroup.com
Anne Marie Luthro   -    aml@envirosell.com
Kim Marra      -   kmarra@uiowa.edu
Tom Moseman    -    tom@envirosell.com
Cadry Nelson   -    cadryn@hotmail.com
Patrick Nimmo  -    plnimmo@aol.com
Fred Norberg   -    azimuth5@juno.com
Dai Parker-Gwilliam  -  Dai.Parker@jb.state.ia.us
Jon Price      -   jprice5000@aol.com
Erin Quinn Purcell  -  eqpment@hotmail.com
Bill Rowat     -    bfrow@bigfoot.com
Katie Ryan Quillin  -    katiequillin@yahoo.com
Stan Ruth      -   sruth@aol.com
Salil Singh    -    salil.singh@mail.utexas.edu
Charles Smith  -    smithc4@ohiou.edu
Guy Snodgrass  -    gsnod@juno.com
Scott Stevens  -    stevens-scott@usa.net
Nathan Thomas  -    thomasna@pilot.msu.edu
Tony Trout     -    arrow@panix.com
Naomi Wallace  -    moncada2@aol.com
Michael Weholt -    mrw@panix.com
Michael Wells  -    wellboy1@aol.com

A-C/ D-H / I-M / N-S / T-Z / addendum