Suggested Guidelines for Room 41's Listserve

I know many of you are confused or concerned about what kind of posts are appropriate for Room 41.  That's partly because there are no hard and fast rules.  And I, personally, hope that we won't need them.  Here is a simple guideline that I always use, which may give you a clearer idea of what is appropriate, and hopefully help you feel more confident about using this listserve in ways that can benefit you.

Think of Room 41 like the Theatre Lab when we used to get together with all 200 people in the department, and the Head of the Department would stand up and ask if there were any "announcements".  And anyone who wanted could raise their and stand up in front of everybody and take a minute of their time to make an announcement.

So the appropriate topics for a lab announcement were pretty broad.  Everything from showtimes, to auditions, to scholarships, to so-and-so is having a graduation party.  But generally speaking you didn't make an announcement unless it was something likely to be of some interest to a most of the people in the room, particularly considering they would probably have to sit through 10 or 20 more such announcements after yours.

And if that analogy doesn't happen to work for you, I offer these suggestions on specific guidelines for posting to Room 41.  (Pardon me if this is a bit disorganized)

It is ALWAYS appropriate to use Room 41 to announce:

Since part of what we hope to do here is encourage networking, and a general awareness of what's going on in our "community," you should ALWAYS feel free to use this space:

It is PROBABLY appropriate to use Room 41 to let us know about major career changes, such as:

It is SOMETIMES appropriate to use Room 41...

It is of DUBIOUS interest to use Room 41...

And it's probably NEVER APPROPRIATE to use Room 41 to share...

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