Welcome to Room 41!


Dear Compatriot!

If you are reading this, it's likely that you are a member of the Room 41 listserve and were directed to this page!    If you run into any problems, need to unsubscribe from the list, need to resubscribe to the list, need help operating the list, or simply become confused and want someone to talk you through things, you can always contact:

SEÁN JUDGE [seanjudge1@gmail.com] our official Room 41 Cyber-Bubba. He's pretty knowledgeable about all-things-internet, so he'll be happy to help you out with questions related to Room 41 or the internet in general, or at least point you in the right direction.


JEFF GOODE [jeffgoode@aol.com] the Room 41 Data Monkey. He's especially good at locating phone numbers and email addresses of fellow alumni.

Now, click away on the links below and delve into the happenings of your fellow U of Iowa thespians!

masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Information about The Room 41 Listserve
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Who's Who Directory
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Current and Upcoming Productions
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Events/Gatherings
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Reviews/Articles
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Jobs, Apartments and Misc. Notices
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Photo Archive
masks2.gif (2050 bytes) Related Sites