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How Can Massage be Medically Beneficial?


People find that therapeutic massage can help with a wide range of medical conditions, including:

·        Allergies

·        Anxiety and stress

·        Arthritis (osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)

·        Asthma and bronchitis

·        Carpal tunnel syndrome

·        Chronic and temporary pain

·        Circulatory problems

·        Depression

·        Digestive disorders, including spastic colon, constipation and diarrhea

·        Headache, especially when due to muscle tension

·        Insomnia

·        Myofascial pain (a condition of the tissue connecting the muscles)

·        Reduced range of motion

·        Sinusitis

·        Sports injuries, including pulled or strained muscles and sprained ligaments

·        Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ)

"Massage therapy is a complementary therapy, not alternative anymore. It’s of tremendous benefit.” - Brad Stuart, M.D., Hospice Medical Director for the Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice of Northern California

Although massage therapy does not increase muscle strength, it can stimulate weak, inactive muscles and, thus, partially compensate for the lack of exercise and inactivity resulting from illness or injury. It also can hasten and lead to a more complete recovery from exercise or injury.

Therapeutic massage may not be recommended in some cases, such as in people with:

·        inflammation of the veins (phlebitis)

·        infectious diseases

·        certain forms of cancer

·        some skin conditions

·        some cardiac problems

·        diabetes

If you have one of these or some other diagnosed medical condition, always check with your doctor before seeking a massage.