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Full name: Sasa Kolic
Date of birth: 26.04.1969.
Place of birth: Nis
Gender: Male
Maritual status: Married
Nationality: Yugoslav
Current address:Branka Krsmanovica 51/8, Nis
telephone: ++ 381 18 336-797

It's a little bit hard to define the date when art started to be important part of my life. So I'll take the 1988 as the starting year, the year when some first drawings were made, naive and childish, but pretty good in perspective and illusion of space around us. Sept. 1988 - Sept. 1989 I serve the army. After that I enrolled the Mechanical faculty in Nis, still keeping the essence of the adventure called art. 1990. - 1993. period beautiful, stormy and in the same time pretty hard for me. This is period of studying, travelling and painting. Cruising through Europe, visiting galleries in Vienna, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, London, I get in direct contact with the paintings of greatest painters of all times. Eternal artist's quest, to solve the problem of white canvas, keen to become a painting, was my main occupation. Mechanic studies and painting grow in myself parallel. New problem occurs: studies are slowly turning into a kind of trade between my inner self and the world of painting. Disharmony between reality - studies and inner wishes and needs, embodied in art causes an internal conflict, helped by pressure of my nearest, especially my father. He wishes for me security in life as mechanic engineer.