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(English, version 1.0)

This contract is concluded on ________________, by contracting parties:

1. _________________________________

Identification Document (please attach a copy of your Drivers License, Identification Card or Passport): ____________________
Identification Document Number:


Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
State or Province:

(hereafter referred to as "THE ORDER PLACED BY" or "THE ORDERER")


2.           Sasa Kolic,        

Identification Document:
Identification Document Number:

E-mail: s.kolic@EUnet.yu; or

Address Line 1: Branka Krsmanovica 51/8
City: Nis
State or Province: Srbia
Country: Yugoslavia

(hereafter referred to as "THE PAINTER")



This CONTRACT is about producing works of art (the paintings) by Sasa Kolic, PAINTER from Nis, as the performer, and selling works of art to THE ORDERER.



THE PAINTER is oblidged to perform his CONTRACTUAL DUTIES, which are: to deliver to THE ORDERER number of ordered paintings, defined in his order stated in ANNEX 1, (ORDERING STATEMENT). Order is to be made following one of the suggested points:

POINT 1) one painting of following dimensions 100x75 or 100x70 or 100x60 or 90x80 or 90x70 or 90x60 or 80x80 or 80x70, technique oil on canvas, latest three months after the contract signing;
POINT 2) two paintings of following dimensions 70x70 or 70x60 or 70x50 or 80x60 or 80x50 or 90x50, technique oil on canvas, first latest in three months, the other latest in six months after the contract signing;
POINT 3) three paintings of following dimensions 70x40 or 60x50 or 60x40 or 50x50, technique oil on canvas, according the scheme: first painting in three months, second in six months, third in nine months after the contract signing;
POINT 4) four paintings of following dimensions 50x40 or 50x30 or 40x40 or 40x35 or 40x30 or 30x30 or 30x35, technique oil on canvas, according the scheme: first painting in three months, second in six months, third in nine months, fourth in twelve months after the contract signing;
POINT 5) six paintings dimensions 35x50, technique oil pastel on cardboard, according the scheme: first painting latest in two months, second in four months, third in six months, fourth in eight months, fifth in ten months and sixth in twelve months after the contract signing.
Note: all dimensions are in centimetres.


THE PAINTER is not obliged to frame paintings.



The obligation of THE ORDERER is to make PAYMENT of 3000 EUR (Euro) following the terms:

- INITIAL RATE of 10% of total amount should be made latest in two weeks after THE CONTRACT signing;

- Latest in two weeks after the painting delivery (if the Subject of the CONTRACT is one painting) or the first painting delivery (if the subject of the CONTRACT are many paintings), to complete the payment as agreed above in this article, in one rate 90% of total amount, or four rates (in three months period) following the dynamic: first rate 25%, second rate 25%, third rate 25% and fourth rate 15% of total amount.


The price per point is to be multiplied by the number of points, defined in ARTICLE 2, in this CONTRACT, that are ordered by THE ORDERER (ANNEX1 - ORDERING STATEMENT).


THE ORDERER will determine and financialy cover the conditions of paintings delivery. THE PAINTER will pack the paintings in order to avoid damaging. THE RISK of the transport is on THE ORDERER.



Competent JURISTICTION AUTORITIES will handle any problematic issue, in the country of DEFENDANT.



THE ORDERER can break THE CONTRACT in case that THE PAINTER does not fulfil his obligations in agreed time. THE ORDERER also has a right to send back the painting/paintings, in two weeks after receiving it, in case that is not fully satisfied with it or out of any other reason. In that case OBLIGATIONS stated in ARTICLE 6 should be followed. THE PAINTER is obliged to refund Initial rate (10% of total amount) after receiving the painting and confirming that is undamaged.
THE PAINTER can break THE CONTRACT in case that THE ORDERER does not make payment in agreed time. In that case THE ORDERER is obliged to return the paintings undamaged and properly packed, latest in two weeks after THE CONTRACT breaking. In that case obligations stated in ARTICLE 6 should be followed.


THE ORDERING STATEMENT is constituent part of this CONTRACT and will be attached to THE CONTRACT as ANNEX 1.



This CONTRACT is made into FOUR identical copies, two for each contracting party.


_____________________                                                                      _____________________
For and on behalf of THE ORDERER,                                                      For and on behalf of THE PAINTER,

Full Name:                                                                                           SASA KOLIC - the painter

Date:                                                                                                     Date:
