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Sasa Kolic
  Young Artist from Yugoslavia. Recognized as Artist-Free lancer by ULUS-AIAP-UNESCO. Bright future predicted. Artist says - It's a little bit hard to define when art became important part of my life. Now he lives for art and by art only. Member of many Artist Associations (Blue Circle-Nis, Yugoslavia; ULUS-AIAP-UNESCO; Art Beyond Borders- Linz, Austria; E-mail group-Sweden).
  On his way to eternity he invites you to join him in his glory, in his future. Purchasing his works of art now - you will become famous and owner of work of art that just might be worth a million one day.
  And on, and on, and on, and on...
  Enjoy this site, it's been created for you.

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Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to: s.kolic@EUnet.yu
Copyright © 2001 Sasa Kolic. All rights reserved.
Last modified: October 2001.

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