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The Day America Stood Still ~Outsider LuLu

Terrorism #6~Tears To Heaven:A Silent Prayer

Let's join together and say a prayer for all war to end.


Outsider LuLu

Hug someone you love today.

You never know about tomorrow.


During these days of profound sadness and grief I beg everyone not to be willing to give up our civil rights, our FREEDOM, in an effort of retaliation. Be sure the right people are brought to justice, put in some safety measures, BUT DO NOT GIVE UP OUR LIBERTY! WE CANNOT LIVE IN A MILTITARY STATE. WE CANNOT LIVE IN FEAR...OTHERWISE THE TERRORISTS HAVE WON.


A thug wins only if he has made you become a hateful cynic like him. Tread carefully America.



Lady Liberty Stumbled

War...October 7, 2001

The WTC Memorial

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