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When I was preparing to do some soda/salt firings I decided to test all the clays  in my studio, plus a few more. I was looking to develop a light, warm body that would take salt well. As you can see from the tests, some clays take a great deal more salt that others. This is important information if you want to use less salt and  extend the life of your bricks! 

It doesn't show well in the picture, but C-1 Ball clay took a lot of salt, while the OM4 took very little. I liked the light honey color of the Dresden and it also took salt quite well.  Foundry Hill and Lincoln 60 also salted well, as did Jordan, which was a standard ingredient in salt bodies in the 70's but is no longer available.          June Perry


                                          GROUP 1                                                                                                    GROUP 2



Top row, from left to right: AP Green Missouri Fire  Clay, Goldart and Hawthorne Fireclay.

Second row from top, left to right: Kentucky Special Ball Clay, XX Saggar Clay, Lincoln 60 Fireclay, Foundry Hill Cream.

Bottom row, from left to right: Tennessee Ball clay (not sure which one, but appears to be one with a lower iron content), S4 Ball Clay, SGP#1 Ball Clay, Jordan.

Top row from left to right: Helmer Kaolin,   Kingsley Kaolin and Monarch Kaolin.



Second row from top, left to right: EPK, McNamee Kaolin, Grolleg Kaolin, #6 Tile Clay.



Bottom row, left to right: Dresden Ball Clay, Kentucky OM#4 Ball Clay, C-1 Ball Clay.



