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NOTE: These tests were only fired to C9, and although some are fine, some of the slips are a bit under fired and would be better at C 10. 




Top row, far left tile is # 5888 Craig Martell Base Color C on a mix of leftover clay bodies--Amador and  other leftovers. This is to be applied to leather hard ware. Because of the lower clay content it may work on dry clay  as well. It might work at the same thickness or may have to be a bit thinner for dry the clay.

24 Custer Feldspar

20 OM#4 Ball Clay

20 EPK

35 Silica

Color C, ADD: 15% Rutile


Top row, second tile from left is #5890 Nigel Atkins Iron Rich slip on #11 clay body. This is a lovely matt, brownish black on this body.

21 Custer Feldspar

16 Whiting

36 OM #4 Ball Clay

27 Silica

ADD: 5% Red Iron Oxide


Top row, third tile from the left is  flashing slip #5892A on Windsor porcelain. 

 33.33 Helmer Kaolin

 33.33 XX Saggar Clay

 33.33 Nepheline Syenite


Top row, far right tile is #6254 Blairs Red slip on Windsor porcelain. This was too dry at C9. Might be better at full C10 or higher. Nice color.

15 Nepheline Syenite

65 Helmer Kaolin

20 Grolleg


Second row from the top, far left tile is #5893 Gordon Hutchens slip C color on #18 Clay body. Nice buttery surface. Color light brown and not very interesting. Apply to wet to leather hard clay. (This tile may be mis-marked since the oxides don't seem to match the color in the fired tile.)

30 Custer Feldspar

30 OM #4 Ball Clay

20 EPK

20 Silica

Color C: 6% Rutile, 1% Cobalt Carbonate


Second row from the top, second tile from the left is a Bringle Slip #14 color on #17 Clay body. Warm brown that could have used a little more heat.  NOTE: for soda/salt you might try a version omitting the borax. I use this slip for wet, leather and even dry ware for regular C10 R gas firings.

20 EPK

20 Tennessee Ball Clay

25 Nepheline Syenite

30 Silica

 5 Borax

 2 Bentonite

Color #14 ADD 2% Rutile, 2% Red Iron Oxide.


Second row from the top, third tile from the left is #5888 Craig Martell slip, B color, on Windsor porcelain. See  soda/salt group 2 for recipe.

Color is a  chrome brownish green.  The color is better on  the other test on another clay body, shown on the group 2 page.


Second row from the top, far right tile is glaze June Perry's Chun blue  #6601 color C, on Tom Coleman Porcelain. This chun did well in the soda/salt environment. The color is a lovely powder blue with a lot of pink/lavender color throughout.

31.44 G-200 Feldspar

10.72 Ferro Frit 3134

 4.09 Barium Carbonate

 9.65 Dolomite

 5.49 Whiting

 1.56 Zinc Oxide

 7.02 EPK

27.59 Silica

 2.44 Tin Oxide


Color C, ADD: Copper Carb0.5, Rutile 5.6, Cobalt carbonate 0.2%


Third row from the top, far left tile is #6362 Malcolm Davis Red Shino on either Rod's Body or Amador. The lighter right side has a porcelain engobe underneath, which crazed; but the left side has a lovely finish and even shows a hint of carbon trapping.

42.94 Nepheline Syenite

10.34 Kona F4 Soda Spar

 7.00 Soda Ash

 6.34 Redart

18.91 EPK

14.47 OM #4 Ball Clay



Third row from the top, second tile from the left is #5911 Slip for bisque, color X, on either Rod's Body or Amador. The right side of the tile has a porcelain slip underneath.  Both sides are intriguing with good textural, multi  color  qualities and matt finish.

60 Custer Feldspar

46 Calcined kaolin

24 Grolleg

20 OM #4 Ball Clay

10 Ferro Frit 3134

10 Tin Oxide


Color X, ADD: Lithium Carbonate 10%, Titanium Dioxide 10%

Third row from the top, third tile from the left is #6330 another Malcolm Davis Carbon Trap. The right side of the tile has a porcelain engobe underneath the glaze. This shino is darker than his other on the far left of this same row. As you can see, this one works better, with better color over the porcelain slip.

38.6 Nepheline Syenite

 9.3 Kona F4 Soda Spar

 16.3 Soda Ash

  5.7 Redart

17.9 EPK

13.0 OM #4 Ball Clay

Third row from the top, far right tile is #4125 Sohngen Stony Yellow on Georgies GMix. This is a very nice matt, quiet, light green. This glaze is a matt yellow in a C10 R firing.

67.0 Kona F4 Soda Spar

34.0 Dolomite

21.0 Talc

14.0 Spodumene

  9.0 Whiting

 50.0 EPK

  4.0 Bentonite

  3.8 Red Iron Oxide


Bottom row, far left tile is # 6330 Malcolm Davis Carbon Trap (same glaze as the one in the row above. This on is on Soldate 60 Clay body, that has had a white engobe applied to the top portion. It is a brighter color with a more reddish cast than on the other clay body. See recipe above.


Bottom row, second tile from the left is #5892 Gordon Hutchens flashing  slip A color, on B.B. clay body from Georgie's in Portland, Oregon.  It's a warm brown on this iron bearing body.  See base recipe above.


Bottom row, third tile from the left is #2497 Shaner Shino slip on Windsor porcelain. This could use a little more heat, but I like the soft color with peach overtones on this body. This is pretty much the same as the other Shaner shino slip; but I posted so you could see the difference on a porcelain and a stoneware body.

 36 Nepheline Syenite

12.16 Spodumene

 8.64 Kona F4 Soda Spar

 3.20 Soda Ash

12.00 OM #4 Ball Clay

28 EPK or Avery Kaolin

Bottom row, far right tile is #5015 a different Shaner Shino on #14 Clay body.  This has a nice warm, shino color, but also needs more heat. The back of the tile had more melt and showed some of that lovely gold luster that you can often get with shinos in wood or soda/salt firings. It would probably be OK at a full C10.

36 Nepheline Syenite

12 Spodumene

 9 Kona F4 Soda Spar

 3 Soda Ash

12 Om #4 Ball Clay

28 EPK



