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Janice Sue Meckler Wolfson

Mom at home in Dallas, 19 May 2002

top shelf:
1. Mom (age 4) with her Ma (her mother's mother) Fannie (Miller) Rosenberg, Summer 1938
2. Mom's Mother (my Nana) - Rose (Rosenberg) Meckler, circa 1929
3. Mom's Mother & Father (my Nana & Poppa) - Rose & Maurice Meckler at their
50th Wedding Anniversary Party, Little Rock, Arkansas, 14 July 1979

second shelf - Mom's Penguin collection

1. Mom (age 4) with her Ma (her mother's mother) Fannie (Miller) Rosenberg, Summer 1938
2. Mom's Mother (my Nana) - Rose (Rosenberg) Meckler, circa 1929

bookshelf photos of Mom & her precious grandkids
1. Aikea, freshman, age 15, 2001
2. Mom, January 1984
3. Rael, 1st grade, age 7, 1996
4. Aikea visiting Dallas, circa 1990
5. Deya, age 13, 14 August 1993

more, more, more Penguins... everywhere!

all digi photos by todd v. wolfson
dallas 19 may 2002
