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Paris and Ciel's Journies in Beading


Paris and Ciel contemplating the contents of the infamous "Bead Bag"....

"hmmm, what will we make today?  A necklace? A bracelet? A beaded depiction of the Bayeaux Tapestry?"


OK - I'll get out some beads, and we can decide from there ..................


Let me sort all the colors into groups, the you can sort them into size, and then I can just throw them everywhere!


But Mommy .... this IS organized!

This is what happens when Mommy takes you up to bed for a nap three times and has to bring you down three times because you kick and scream and cause a BIG fuss ........ then ...... smack bang in the middle of playing with the beads ......... *OUT*


Visit Mommy's pages - Snootyvixen Jewelry and the Snootyvixen shop at Ruby Lane!