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Soap Opera Contest

Make a doll from any Soap Opera! 

Some links to help: Passions (the best soap opera for anyone! I don't even like soaps but I love passions!), more blah blah


Image must 250 x 250 pixels or under!

Image must be saved as a GIF or JPG! I won't switch it anymore, to much work for me! I'll get a link here soon to help switch....

Image must be of a soap opera character! lol

Nothing obscene, please!

When voting comes, no Spam votes!

Send it in

Copy and paste the stuff in the textbox below! You can even write in the textbox the correct information, then you don't have to do it when emailing the doll to me!  Also, DON'T FORGET TO SEND YOUR DOLL!!! If it isn't attached, how can I put it up?


All done? Send me your doll!