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Gormball is no more now that Zurroball is out, or is it?

This is just an old story that i made up long ago when Zurroball came out. I'm sending it because there needs to be an article in the Talentless Times! just pretend that today is about a week after Zurroball came out... Because of the new release of Zurroball, many neopians have stoped playing Gormball, but then again, many have also started playing. I have noticed on the chat boards that there has been an increase of people that play Gormball, more people have started playing it. Why? I think many people just didn't start out playing it to begin with because it was so old of game, but after zurroball came out, it mentions gormball allong with it, but since its a flash game, a large sum of the people that play neopets can't play it, so they tried gormball, & noticed the large amounts of np they get from it because of the great increase in np you can get from it that was done a while ago, but, this may not be the only reason. With Zurroball, you must put your full attention towards this game, & since you must click on the ball, over & over & over just to get a decent score, its just a bit better than the old tiring game, Tug-o-War. In Gormball, many rich neopians started playing it while waiting for the neopian shops to restock so they can't just wait at the shops always refreshing over & over while they wait for the restocks, so when a good item finally appears it catches them by surprse & they stumble trying to get it or they miss it because they noticed something with less rarity on the way, for example you might notice a fire faerie & try to get it & you may get it, but at the same time, you missed several good potions like the lupe & zafara morphing potions. While the Gormball players are constantly alert, & notice the first thing there, they instantly put their full attention towards the restocks, & cool, they just got Kauvara's Potion, and are going to sell it right away, & make tons of profit in the process, so while the non-gormball player, misses everything in the restock, the Gormball player gets a large sum of np to use, when they are working on getting the fire faerie as a battledome challenger in the process!(ok im leaving the main subject here!)In Gormball, you can play it all day, but there is a cost of 20 NP per play, which is almost nothing which you are sure to easily get back with none-other than Donna's pet chia, Thyassa, with her, it is almost gauranteed that you can get past the first explosion of the gormball, & about a 30% or so every other time, but since it is about 30% it isn't easy much anymore to get past the first few explosions, but if you get to a 1 on one against the last person, you hold the advantage. Also for another reason that rich neopians play, is because they can get a battledome challengger by doing so, the fire faerie, but to battle her, you must help her & win a gormball game using her as your player. Since zurroball is a flash game you can only play it 3 times a day, if you can play it that is. you may get more NP faster playing zurroball, but I only suggest plying it if you either always play games, or always get over 200 points per play. but i still play this, i may only get about 300 points a day from it on average, but you know the cliche, practice makes perfect. You or me can not get perfect on a game that has no end to it, but from continually playing it you can get better & possibly get about a full pay from it each day of 3k, alone it may not be much, but doing that for a full week could get you 21k alone, & with some other games there that you may be good at, you can get 50k or more in a week, but only if are VERY good. i checked that even if you play every game in neopets 3 times you are gauranteed atleast 5k unless you a truley horribly player which with 5k a day you can get 35k a week which can nicely add up fast:)

After that small peajk out of the subject there again, i am done telling you all about the great game of Gormball, i am not telling you to play it, but i am just advising you to just give it a try, why not, it will only cos you the small sum of 20NP, but i am also telling to try both new games & old games in neopets alike, after all, a little effort goes a long way. Since you bothered to red all that & care about this soo much, I will give you a small tip on zurroball,on how to get the secret 6th zurroball, oh the suspense! all you have to do is click on the N icon on the spinning grundos space suit (its colored blue, its really easy to find) well here is a few extra stuff that I reccomend you read... I would like you to tell me what you think of this, & that would be all for this subject & so goodbye person i most likely do not know!

~written, thought of & all that stuff done by sc4r4b.

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