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ONLINE GRAFFITI PORTFOLIO (give it a minute to load)

winter 2003 ---> At the Ski-Haus legal wall---> @ the Ski-Haus---> Improv piece spring 2004---> Delaney Skateboard park, painted summer 2003---> painted summer 2003---> spring 2004 --->winter 2003---> summer 2004--->on tour summer 2003---> winter 2003---> canvas for art show 2003---> board for art show in 2003---> on a piece of board for art show 2003---> for art show 2003---> art show 2003---> art show 2003---> Advertisment for the Technics/DMC DJ championships---> Some Sketches---> Custom hat 2003---> custom hat 2003---> tattoo design 2004--->
