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To The Pointe

Latest Updates
Hi all I have decided to refurbish the site to make it load faster and everything...this is my temporary site until the actual site is up and running real proper.  Sorry about this, but here come more ads... This is my silly banner exchange program.

Recent Updates
May add a ballet joke archive, if people send in enough jokes.  =oD  Anything with the sign should be pretty new.  Because the ballet music takes up too much space in my webshell, and takes a long time to load, I have taken it out of the site.  =o(  I also took out the spinning cube in the Anna Pavlova Photo Gallery as it was causing a lot of problems.

If you have a site about ballet and your want to submit it to us, click here.

Joke(s) of the day (if you send me a joke about ballet, I will write it here) -

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"Ann," said the dance teacher. "There are two things stopping you becoming the world's greatest ballerina."
"What are they, ma'am?" asked Ann.
"Your feet."

What is a toad's favorite ballet?
Swamp lake.

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