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Hello and welcome below you will find a brief description of what each does does.On the page of each artist you will also find a link to there site.Please show your support for the great work they have done.This is not a full list but a rough outline.Also please vote for your favourite artist because i have a lot more pictures by some of then but to fit in as many artist as i can ive had to keep to a certain amount for each(if one artist stands out in the voting i will add more of there pictures)
  • Bruse Pennington
  • ... space,furture,mystery world,strange lands,all in the mind
  • Ciruel Cabral
  • ... heros,vamps,drageons,darkside,warriors,heroins
  • Christopher Moore
  • ... space.robots,furture,aircraft,magical worlds
  • Christian Lassen
  • ...water worlds,dolphines,sae life,ocean
  • Chris Foss
  • crafts,furture,aliens,
  • Chris Archilleos
  • ... cowbaoys,vixen,temptress,warroiors,warrioress,creatures,myths
  • Clyde Caldral
  • ... myhts,knighs,horses,drageon,hero,heroin