Spell To The Heart

Lady Falcon: Spell To The Heart

Mystery of my life, vision of a blind knight,
You brought light into my lonely heart,
Beyond the curtain of shadows inside.
Enchanted lady, spirit of the winds,
Like the master of the seas,
Opus magnum of Nature and dreams.
Voluptuous dancer, in innocent white,
Enbroided in golden threads of sun,
Desire in movement, for the freedom of light.
Look at me now and how much I still can change,
Your spell casted has touched my soul,
Reviving the hopes of a forgotten age.
Every dawn, every twilight,
Before my eyes I see the magic work,
Eternal miracle of an angel in flight.
Can you touch me, I ask in my slumber,
Can you love me, I wonder in my sleep,
Another night waiting for answer...

- Cyberknight

Happy Birthday, My Lady...