Storms in Africa

Song performed by Enya, produced by Nicky Ryan, co-produced by Enya and Ross Cullum.

Cá fhad é ó
Cá fhad é ó

Siúl trídna Stoirmeacha.
Dul trídna Stoirmeacha.
Cá fhad é ó
an tús don Stoirm.
Cá thad é ó
an tús go deireadh.

Tóg do Chroí.
Siúl trídna Stoirmeacha.
Tóg do chroísa.
Dul trídna Stoirmeacha.
Turas mór.
Tor trídna Stoirmeacha.
Turas fada.
Amharc trídna stoirmeacha.

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