Song performed by Enya, produced by Nicky Ryan.
St. Patrick The son of a Roman official, Patrick was captured by a raiding party of Celts when a boy, and spent six years in captivity. He escaped, became a priest and returned to Ireland. According to legend it is St. Patrick who is responsible for Ireland's conversion to Christianity and the final loss of the old Celtic beliefs.
Cú Chulainn means the "hound of Cullan". As a child his name was "setanta" meaning `the little'. He became Cú Chulainn when he killed the watchdog of the smith Cullan, and so undertook to guard the smiths house in place of the dog. Cú Chulainn is one of the great Irish heroes. The most famous deeds of this hero are found in the saga Táin Bó Cualgne (the cattle raid of Cooley).
Oisin which means "little fawn", left his home to journey to Tir na n Og, the Land of Youth, with Niamh Cinn Oir, "Niamh of the Head of Gold". Timelessness - he stayed 300 years, though never aged. On his return to Ireland he found his contemporaries long dead, and Ireland now had St. Patrick and Christianity. Putting his foot upon the earth, he lost Tir na n Og, and so aged and died."