
About the title: amigo is the Portuguese word for "friend". It is, somehow, stronger than "friend", due to its origin: in ancient Portuguese, amigo carried the meaning of "lover". That meaning is lost but the strength somehow remains...

Unfolding my mind, letting my spirit dance
Shining Nymphs I see, flowers of mist
Messegers of Iris, colouring the sky
Playing like children, Chimaeras in the sea
Sailing in the space, Odyssey to the stars
I do anything for a Real Friend
Even make Day bright turn into Night dream

Running on the moon, singing in the woods
Glowing Eyes in the dark, flames of ice
Feel my Aura spark with a single breeze
Fill me with Light, carry me in your Word
Hidden in your kiss, Mystery of life
I will wait forever our Souls to meet

by Cyberknight

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