Stars in The Sky

About the text: this is a tribute to Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan and other scientists, science fiction writers and stargazers of all worlds in all universes. It's a "fantastic science fiction", that is, a story that makes suppositions not based on current knowledge, contrasting with the so called "hard science fiction".

- Look! There... Can you see?

- No... What?

- I don't know. It's bright, beautifully bright!

- There's nothing there. It's just your im... Hey!? I'm seeing, too!

- Didn't I tell you? Beautiful, isn't it?

- It's probably just a pulstar or something...

- No, it isn't. I have made stars all my existence, and it is not one, I'm sure.

They extended their reality toward the small point of Cosmos. Carefully, one of them condensed its thoughts in the delicate material. That little piece of matter was, somehow, different of any other they had seen before. It presented strange vibrations that could only be appreciated when Time was made flow very slowly.


The little child walked into the woods that morning, happy because the sun was shining again after a rainy week. The birds, also, shared the happiness with lovely chirpings. The scent of dew was refreshing and calming.

Suddenly, an iridescent ghost moved fast among the trees. The child followed, going farther and deeper into the wild. "Who is there?", asked the child. The wind stopped blowing, the birds kept still in their nests, the yellow sunlight became golden and the cold morning air became warm and sweet.

A colourful beast, with a sharp single horn on its forehead, appeared from nowhere before the child. For some time it just stood there, its colours blending until it became completely white, and then disappeared. The child, filled with the most wonderful joy, returned home and lived forever in a dream, looking at the stars in the night sky, because it was there, surely it was.


- I think that little `being' didn't understand what you said. But then, how can something made of physical matter really `understand' anything. Though I had a strange feeling, the same kind I have when we play among the stars. Isn't that... funny...?

But the other was absent-minded. Its thoughts were still in that little point of the World.

- It understood... I know... it understood even more than I had actually said... I'm going back there.

- Why? What for?

- We found something there. And if it was not so different, so impossible, I would dare say...

- Say what...? No, please, not again that strange theory. Think how unlikely it is! We debated about it so many times and reached ever the same conclusions. It's just an impossibility.

- I know. And still, disregarding all common sense, I dare say that we found a new kind of life form. I don't know if it has any intelligence or just some programmed behaviour, but I'm sure it is Life!

Since then, many of them have visited the little worlds of matter, observing and wondering about the almost chaotic movements of their ephemeral inhabitants. Sometimes an inhabitant of one of those material worlds finds one of them and becomes a dreamer. It then writes about them what most reads just as fantastic stories, and sings songs to them that most listens to just as childish riddles, and paints pictures of them that most never understands. But They are there, looking, listening, understanding...

Text by Cyberknight

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