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Con School Uniforms


How can uniforms be unbeneficial for schools?

    Band-Aid Solution

  • school uniforms act as a Band-Aid solution to a set of serious problems that do not have easy answers.
  • Draws us into a sense of false security that only conformity can give.
  • Instead of investing in our schools we are disinvesting.

    Student Rights

  • School uniform policies infringe upon students’ First Amendment rights to freedom of expression.
  • Under the 14th Amendment school uniforms have violated the students’ liberty to control their personal appearance.
  • Uniforms interfere with students’ natural tendency to experiment with their identities.


  • Mandatory uniform policies are being considered largely for urban school districts, and hence are being forced upon a predominately minority and poor student population.
  • Makes shopping for school clothes more expensive and harder to do, especially for poor families.
  • Some parents and children have religious objectives to uniforms.


  • Supervising uniforms only lengthens the long list of parental jobs that educators have taken over.

    Additional Cons

  • Uniforms take away the individuality of each student

  • There could be negative attitudes between students from schools with uniforms towards those without them.

  • Cost is a concern

  • Free clothing days cause chaos

  • In an attempt to increase school safety, uniforms often cause outright rebellion from students who find the idea of uniforms ridiculous. These students find ways to rebel against the system, making slight changes with their uniforms.

  • Teachers become police, watching for girls skirt levels, and boys with shirts Un tucked and wrinkly

  • Uniforms seem inexpensive at first, but they are worn out quickly, and must be replaced.

  • The knees of a pair of slacks are going to be ruined by a young boy quicker than a pair of denim jeans that can have patches added.

  • Also, uniforms add much more work for the wearers, as most of the items must be kept ironed and clean at all times, unlike the traditional tee shirt and jeans.

  • Administrators have concerns about school violence; they also have concerns about potential lawsuits. Just how much leeway do administrators have in regulating what students wear?

  • Administrators are unsure what elements can make a school’s dress-related policies more likely to survive legal challenges and to engender support from students and parents?