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Pro School Uniforms


How can uniforms improve schools?

    School Safety

  • Decreased violence and theft.
  • The identification of nonstudent intruders.
  • Prevention of gang attire.

    School Attendance

  • Less embarrassment over clothing could increase attendance.
  • The safer the school, the more likely students will attend.

    Academic Performance

  • Increased attention on academics (less on clothing).
  • Higher expectations from teachers.

    Social Benefits

  • Uniforms may promote a sense of community and camaraderie.
  • School uniforms lessen the difference between rich and poor.
  • Less fashion-conscious school environment.
  • Reduction in clothing-related peer conflict.

    Preparation for the Future

  • Uniforms can prepare students for work world where expectations are greater.
  • Uniforms create a sense of "teamwork."
  • Students are more likely to have a buisnesslike attitude.

    School Administrator Benefits

  • More time spent on instructional leadership.
  • Less time spent on clothing-related conflicts.

    Parental Benefits

  • Eliminating the discussion over what to wear to school.
  • Uniforms promote efficiency and organization.
  • Less pressure from children to purchase trendy, high-priced clothing.

The following information was provided by:

Daugherty, Richard F. (Winter 2002). “Leadership in Action: Piloting a School Uniform Program” Education 123, pp.390-393.