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School Uniforms

Pro Bibliography
For Barnes Paper

Bodine, Ann. (November/December 2003). “School Uniforms, Academic Achievement, and Uses of Research” The Journal of Educational Research, v. 97, no. 2, pp. 67-71.

Brunsma, David L., Rockquemore, Kerry Ann. (November/December 2003). “Statistics, Sound Bites, and School Uniforms: A Reply to Bodine” The Journal of Educational Research, v. 97, no. 2, pp. 72-77.

Daugherty, Richard F. (Winter 2002). “Leadership in Action: Piloting a School Uniform Program” Education 123, pp.390-393.

Essex, Nathan L. (January 2001). “School Uniforms: Guidelines for Principals” Principal, pp. 38-39. Reston, VA.

McCarthy, Martha M. (Summer 2001). “Restrictions on Student Attire: Dress Codes and Uniforms” Educational Horizons, pp. 155-157.

Starr, Jennifer. (January 2000). “School Violence and Its Effect on the Constitutionality of Public School Uniform Policies” Journal of Law & Education, v. 29, no. 1, pp. 113-118.

Con Bibliography
For Rogers Paper

Education Commission of the States. (2004). “Helping State Leaders Shape Education Policy: Uniforms/Dress Codes”.

Education World. (1999. October 11). “School Uniforms: Panacea or Band-Aid?”. School administrators Article.

Siegel, Loren. (1996). Point of View: “School Uniforms”. ACLU Online Archives.