Reflection on Standard XI—Web Mastering
Technology Applications Standards
Web Mastering is a way to express one’s ideas and talents and share them with the larger electronic community. Web mastering can be used in many ways to enhance learning and to take the students outside of the classroom to interact with the community. For example, students can be taught how to create their own web sites that promote their own unique talents, or students can work collaboratively on a larger web site for their department or school. Students can also work with the community in certain aspects to create web pages for businesses or individuals. Web pages can also be created for the purposes of communicating with parents and the community, helping them to get more involved with their students’ education. Technology and the Internet have had a huge impact on our society in recent years. Over half of the homes in this country have access to the Internet as a means of communication. Web mastering has been made so user-friendly that almost anyone can be taught how to create web pages. This lends to others ways of interacting with the community. Schools and students can offer web mastering classes to the community. That would be something I might get my art students involved in. As with other technology applications, web mastering can be applied to every subject matter in the Secondary curriculum as a way to enhance learning and promote higher-level thinking.