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Reflections on Standard IX—Multimedia

Technology Applications Standards


Multimedia is a fascinating way of combining several different concepts into one product for educational use, as well as entertainment.  Multimedia products encourage higher-level thinking skills in the user and most definitely in the designer.  The ability to design a multimedia product takes an enormous amount of artistic talent, intelligence, and logic.  Students who work on multimedia productions use both their creative brains and their analytical brains, which is why I love using multimedia activities in my curriculum.  I believe in the concept of whole-brain teaching.  Multimedia lends right into this.  Multimedia design is also a form of artistic expression.  It can be incorporated into any subject matter, in order to enhance student learning, either by having the students be the users as well as having the students be the designers.  Multimedia in any form tends to make learning more exciting and worthwhile.  It also seems to reach students who might otherwise be inactive or uninterested.