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The Weston Middle School Drama Club Presents

Fall 2005
Check out pictures from the production.

November 3, at 7:00 pm,
November 4, at 3:00 pm,
November 5, 2:00 and 7:00 pm
in the APC

Tickets are $8 for adults and $6 for students and seniors. Tickets will be on sale during school lunch a week and a half prior to opening night. To reserve tickets by phone,(including cast and crew ticket sales), call 781-529-8060, ext. 6135. You can reserve by email, by contacting
You can also download this Ticket Form, and return it to the front office, attention the drama department.

I Never Saw Another Butterfly

(In no particular order)

RAJA ENGLANDEROVA, from Terezin - Katherine Donahue
FATHER, of Raja - Josh Chopak
MOTHER, of Raja - Maddie Roth
VERA, her aunt - Erica Kwiatkowski
PAVEL, her brother - Ben Heath
ERIKA, a neighbor - Laurel Kulow
IRENA SYNKOVA, a teacher - Katie Graves
RENKA, her assistant - Jessie Campo
IRCA, Pavel's Fiancee - Margaret Crane
HONZA, a friend of Raja - Todd Elfman
RABBI, at Terezin - Derek Keif

Lizzie Buchanan,
Mike Bullister,
Perri Chilton,
Sarah Frank,
Reid Gilbard,
Madelaine Gold,
Liza Greenberg,
Haley Knapp,
Tara Kulas,
Pamela Kwan,
Philip Kretschmer,
Kelsey Munger,
Halle O’Conor,
Oliver Pucker,
Rachel Regent,
Molly Reid,
Audrey Strong,
Jordan Stirling,
Andrew Weinstock,
Charlotte Williamson


DIRECTOR - Aidan O'Hara
CO-PRODUCER - Laurie Katz
STUDENT DIRECTORS - Clare Devlin, Irene Droney
PROJECTIONISTS - Peter Birren, Dalton Cowe, Peter Lichtenthal, C.J. Valle
STAGE CREW/SET CREW - Jon Atkins, Olivia Barrows, Peter Birren, Patricia Blanchard, Matthew Chernick, Dalton Cowe, Clare Devlin, Paul Donahue, Irene Droney, Andrew Edelman, Katelyn Engler, Tom Fitzgerald, Andrew Fixler, Ruth Flack, Sara Kohlberg, Philip Kretschmer, Laurel Kulow, Celine LaFrance, Peter Lichtenthal, Oliver Pucker, Molly Reid, Audrey Strong, C.J. Valle, Charlotte Williamson

I Never Saw Another Butterfly, a play written by Celeste Raspanti, is the story of one of the 15,000 children who passed through Terezin, a military garrison set up as a ghetto during World War II, a stopping-off place on the way to the gas chambers in Auschwitz. This sensitive and life-affirming play is based on collected poems and drawings by those children, which were recovered and published in a book by the same name. The title poem is:

I never saw another butterfly . . .
The last, the very last,
so richly, brightly, dazzling yellow.
Perhaps if the sun's tears sing
against a white stone . . .
Such, such a yellow
Is carried lightly `way up high.
It went away I'm sure because it
wished to kiss the world goodbye.
For seven weeks I've lived in here,
Penned up inside this ghetto,
but I have found my people here.
The dandelions call to me,
And the white chestnut candles in the court.
Only I never saw another butterfly.
That butterfly was the last one.
Butterflies don't live here in the ghetto.

-- Pavel Friedman, June 1942


Adapted from a book of the same name, the stage production of "I Never Saw Another Butterfly" is an imaginative creation of the story of Raja Englanderova, a child survivor of the Holocaust. From 1942 to 1945 more than 15,000 Jewish children passed through Terezin, a former military garrison set up as a ghetto. It soon became a transition station for hundreds of thousands of Jews on their way to the gas chambers of Auschwitz. While most of the children imprisoned at Terezin perished at Auschwitz, some of their stories of life during the Holocaust are preserved in drawings and poems, published in the book, I Never Saw Another Butterfly. When Terezin was liberated in 1945, only about 100 children were alive to return to what was left of their lives. One of those children was Englanderova, who returned to her home in Prague after the liberation, and this is her story. 

While the story was created from the many documentary materials on Englanderova's life, including poems, diaries, letters, journals, drawings and pictures, playwright Raspanti also credits Karel Lagus, Curator of the Jewish Museum in Prague; Robert G. Pitman, Creator and Director of the first production; and Walter J. Johannsen, a personal friend, for their valuable contributions to her adaptation of the play.

Aidan O'Hara, Drama Teacher and Director, 781-529-8060, ext.6135,