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News Current Production Rehearsal Schedule Stage Crew Drama Class

The Weston Middle School Drama Club Presents

Fall 2006
Check out pictures from the production.

November 9, at 7:00
November 10, at 3:00
November 11 at 2:00 and 7:00 pm



(In approximate order of appearance)

DRAKE - Oliver Pucker
IDA - Laurel Kulow
PERDUE - Marquis Caesar
TURKEY - Mrs. Armstrong
HENRIETTA - Maddie Gold
MAUREEN - Athina Kalemos
GRACE - Mrs. Sweet
CAT - Jessie Campo
BILLY - Tyler Pesek
FLUFF - Perri Chilton
BEAKY - Halle O'Conor
DOWNY - Haley Knapp
BOBBY - Mr. Brown
UGLY - Rachel Regent
JAY BIRD - Jon Atkins
GREYLAG - Reid Gilbard
DOT - Molly Reid
PENNY - Lizzie Buchanan
MOTHER SWAN - Kimmie Remis
BULLFROG - Liza Greenberg
BOY’S VOICE - Tyler Pesek
GIRL'S VOICE - Lucy Hastings
FARMER’S VOICE - Reid Gilbard
FEMALE SOLO - Sarah Frank
FATHER SWAN - Perry Von Rosenvinge

FISH - Amy Dubilo, Katelyn Engler, Kate Freedberg, Francesca Howe, Tara Kulas, Julia Levinson, May Liu, Meghan Racklin, Charlotte Williamson

POULTRY FOLK, GOOSE SQUAD, and FROGLETS - Drew Alcaide, Mrs. Armstrong, Geoffrey Binney, Lexi Burkus, Bianca Bruckner, Catherine Cebulla, Jordan Concannon, Mrs. Corley, Mikayla Cramer, Amy Dubilo, Katelyn Engler, Mrs. Fahey, Kate Freedberg, Mr. Gibbons, Mrs. Grozolsky, Ms. Gould, Lucy Hastings, Francesca Howe, Ms. Johnston, Mrs. Katz, Pam Kwan, Tara Kulas, Julia Levinson, May Liu, Ms. Mahoney, Ian Masotti, Mr. Mills, Jacqueline Mone, Ms. Mongiello, Mrs. O'Connell, Meghan Racklin, Alexandra Rigobon, Mrs. Roslonek, Mrs. Sallay, Mrs. Schwenk, Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Tarkowski, Ms. Toland, Alicia Tzau, Mr. Valle, and Charlotte Williamson


DIRECTOR - Aidan O'Hara
MUSICAL DIRECTOR - Deanna Leedy Reynolds
SET DESIGNER - Abraham Mills

Thank you to all of those who auditioned. The decisions were incredibly difficult. All of you put your heart into your audition. We just could not take everyone this time around. Please do not hesitate to come see me, or email me with any thoughts or concerns.

Please consider staying involved with the Fall Play by joining either the Stage Crew or House Crew. If you would like information on either see Mr. O’Hara, or click on “Stage Crew & Volunteer” above.

Spring has sprung in the farmyard. Drake and Ida, the mallards, await the arrival of their new brood, but the clutch seems to contain one inordinately large egg. When it hatches, its occupant’s ‘quack’ sounds more like a ‘honk’! Although taken aback, Ida quickly warms to his gentleness and discovers his prodigious athleticism. But his brothers and sisters mock him mercilessly and the only new friend he makes in the farmyard is the suspiciously friendly Cat, who invites him to ‘dinner’. Feeling completely alone and outcast, Ugly flees the farmyard. Ida, devastated, launches a search party.

Away from home, Ugly finds himself on open marshland in the middle of a duck shoot, but a flock of geese under the command of Greylag take him under their wing. The Cat catches up with them, but the geese refuse to let him out of their sight and Ugly escapes. An encounter with a Bullfrog teaches him that he must accept himself because “out there, someone’s gonna love you, warts and all”.

With winter approaching, Ugly is further from home than ever. The search party and the Cat are still in pursuit. Finally, Ugly meets a beautiful young swan named Penny and falls in love. She invites him to migrate, but still desperate to find Ida, he declines.

Somehow he survives the bleak winter and, in spring, the returning swans guide Ida to her long-lost ‘son’ for a reunion and triumphant return to the farmyard. The Cat, just beginning to thaw, has probably learned his lesson.

Aidan O'Hara, Drama Teacher and Director, 781-529-8060, ext.6135,